The Gingerbread Man
The Story: The Apple Dumpling
Once upon a time, there were a little old woman and a little old man who lived in a little cottage near the river. The little old woman and the little old man were hungry, so the little old woman decided to bake a gingerbread man.She made a big batch of gingerbread dough, then rolled it flat and cut it in
the shape of a gingerbread man . She gave him raisins for eyes , a cinnamon drop for a mouth , and chocolate chips for buttons .
Then she put the gingerbread man in the oven to bake.
When the gingerbread man was done, the little old woman opened the oven door, but before she could take him out, the gingerbread man jumped up and ran through the kitchen and out of the cottage shouting, "Don't eat me!"
The little old woman ran after the gingerbread man . "Stop," she yelled.
But the gingerbread man ran even faster, chanting, "Run, run as fast as you can. You can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man ."
The gingerbread man ran into the garden and passed the little old man .
The gingerbread man ran into the garden and passed the little old man .
"Stop," the little old man called out, "I want to eat you." But the gingerbread man ran even faster, chanting, "I've run away from a little old woman , and I can run away from you, I can.
Run, run as fast as you can. You can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man .
Run, run as fast as you can. You can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man .
"The little old man chased the gingerbread man , followed by the little old woman . But the gingerbread man ran too fast for them.
The gingerbread man ran through the yard and passed a pig .
The gingerbread man ran through the yard and passed a pig .
"Stop," the pig snorted, "I want to eat you." But the gingerbread man ran even faster, chanting, "I've run from a little old woman and a little old man , and I can run away from you,
I can. Run, run as fast as you can. You can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man ."
The pig chased the gingerbread man , followed by the little old woman and the little old man . But the gingerbread man ran too fast for them.
The pig chased the gingerbread man , followed by the little old woman and the little old man . But the gingerbread man ran too fast for them.
The gingerbread man passed a cow by the barn . "Stop," the cow mooed,
"I want to eat you." But the gingerbread man ran even faster, chanting,
"I've run from a little old woman and a little old man and a pig ,
and I can run away from you, I can. Run, run as fast as you can.
You can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man ."
The cow chased the gingerbread man , followed by the pig and the little old woman and the little old man . But the gingerbread man ran too fast for them.
The gingerbread man passed a horse in the field. "Stop," the horse neighed,
The cow chased the gingerbread man , followed by the pig and the little old woman and the little old man . But the gingerbread man ran too fast for them.
The gingerbread man passed a horse in the field. "Stop," the horse neighed,
"I want to eat you." But the gingerbread man ran even faster, chanting,
"I've run from a little old woman and a little old man and a pig and a cow ,
and I can run away from you, I can. Run, run as fast as you can.
You can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man ."
The horse chased the gingerbread man , followed by the cow , the pig ,
The horse chased the gingerbread man , followed by the cow , the pig ,
and the little old woman and the little old man .
But the gingerbread man ran too fast for them.
Then the gingerbread man reached a wide river , but he didn't know how to swim.
A sly and hungry fox saw the gingerbread man and said,
Then the gingerbread man reached a wide river , but he didn't know how to swim.
A sly and hungry fox saw the gingerbread man and said,
"Jump on my tail, and I'll take you across the river !"
The gingerbread man thought to himself, "I'll be safe on his tail."
So he jumped on the fox's tail and they started across the river .
Halfway across the river , the fox barked, "You're too heavy for my tail, jump on my back." So the gingerbread man jumped on the fox's back.
Soon, the fox said, You're too heavy for my back, jump onto my nose."
The gingerbread man thought to himself, "I'll be safe on his tail."
So he jumped on the fox's tail and they started across the river .
Halfway across the river , the fox barked, "You're too heavy for my tail, jump on my back." So the gingerbread man jumped on the fox's back.
Soon, the fox said, You're too heavy for my back, jump onto my nose."
So the gingerbread man jumped on the fox's nose.
But as soon as they reached the riverbank, the fox flipped the gingerbread man into the air, snapped his mouth shut, and ate the gingerbread man .
And that was the end of the gingerbread man .
And that was the end of the gingerbread man .
Vzala trochu mouky, trochu smetánky, vajíčko a cukr, udělala těsto a na másle koblížek usmažila. Pak ho položila na okno, aby vychladl. Jenže koblížek byl neposeda. Chvíli kouká nalevo, chvíli napravo, támhle je louka a tam ves, tam je cesta, za ní les. A už se po té cestě kutálí pryč. Kutálí se kolem té louky, až do lesa.
A potká zajíce: „Koblížku, koblížku, já tě sním!” A už se olizuje.
„Nejez mě, zajíčku, zazpívám ti písničku.” Zajíc nastražil uši a koblížek se dal do zpěvu:
„Já jsem koblížek,
z mouky dělaný,
smetanou mísený,
na másle smažený,
na okně chlazený.
Dědovi jsem utekl,
babičce jsem utekl,
a tobě, zajíčku,
uteču taky!”
A kutálel se, až se za ním prášilo. Než se zajíček vzpamatoval, byl už koblížek pryč.
Kutálel se dál a potkal šedého vlka. Vlk byl stále hladový, jako každý správný vlk, a tak zastoupil koblížkovi cestu a povídá:
„Koblížku, koblížku, já tě sním!” A cení zuby.
„Nejez mě, vlku, zazpívám ti písničku.” Vlk zavřel tlamu a koblížek se dal do zpěvu:
„Já jsem koblížek,
z mouky dělaný,
smetanou mísený,
na másle smažený,
na okně chlazený.
Dědovi jsem utekl,
babičce jsem utekl,
zajíčkovi jsem utekl,
a tobě, vlku,
uteču taky!”
Kutálel se dál a potkal medvěda huňáče. Medvěd rád sladké a tak se zálibně dívá na koblížka a povídá:
„Koblížku, koblížku, já tě sním!” A už natahuje tlapy.
„Nejez mě, medvěde, zazpívám ti písničku.” Medvěd se posadil a koblížek se dal do zpěvu:
„Já jsem koblížek,
z mouky dělaný,
smetanou mísený,
na másle smažený,
na okně chlazený.
Dědovi jsem utekl,
babičce jsem utekl,
zajíčkovi jsem utekl,
vlkovi jsem utekl,
a tobě, medvěde,
uteču taky!”
Kutálel se dál a potkal lišku chytračku. A ta k němu hned běží: „Vítám tě, koblížku! Jak jsi hezoučký, kulaťoučký, červeňoučký!”
A koblížek se začervenal ještě víc a byl rád, že ho liška pochválila, a hned spustil svoji písničku:
„Já jsem koblížek,
z mouky dělaný,
smetanou mísený,
na másle smažený,
na okně chlazený.
Dědovi jsem utekl,
babičce jsem utekl,
zajíčkovi jsem utekl,
vlkovi jsem utekl,
medvědovi jsem utekl,
a tobě, liško,
teprve uteču!”
„To je ale krásná písnička,” povídá liška a naklonila se ke Koblížkovi, „ale já už jsem moc stará a nějak špatně slyším. Vyskoč, posaď se mi na čumák, ať tě lépe slyším. A zazpívej ji ještě jednou a hlasitěji.”
Koblížek byl ještě radši. Líbím se jí já a líbí se jí i má písnička. Vyhoupl se lišce na čumák a zazpíval:
„Já jsem koblížek,
z mouky…”
A liška udělala ham a snědla ho.