Sleeping beauty for beginners
They gave a wonderful party for the new princess.
All the important men, women and fairies came with presents.
Everybody gave presents to the baby princess.
The seven good fairies gave the princess magic presents."You will be Beautiful and clever," said the first and second fairy. "You will be Kind hearten," said the third fairy. "You will Sing and Dance," said the fourth and fifth fairy.

She was very angry because the king didn't invite her to the party.
She gave a curse as the present for the princess. she said: "when the princess is fifteen she will prick her finger on the spinning wheel and die".The bad fairy disappeared.
The seventh fairy didn't give princess her present.
She said: "Don't worry. Here's my present The Princess won't die.
The seventh fairy didn't give princess her present.
She said: "Don't worry. Here's my present The Princess won't die.
She will sleep for hundred years. Then a prince will kiss her and she will wake up.
The whole kingdom will sleep with her".
The whole kingdom will sleep with her".
The King wanted the people to burn all the spinning wheels.
It was princess fifteenth birthday. All the men, women and fairies were invited.
While wandering the castle princess saw stairs. She got curious and followed it.
The stairs led her to a room in the top of the tower.The princess opened the door.
She saw an old woman with a spinning wheel.
She saw an old woman with a spinning wheel.

The old women asked the princess to try spinning.
She went to the spinning wheel and pricked her finger.
The princess fell into a deep, deep sleep. The fairies took her to the bed and laid her on it. Everyone in the kingdom also fell in sleep.
The princess fell into a deep, deep sleep. The fairies took her to the bed and laid her on it. Everyone in the kingdom also fell in sleep.
A magic forest of thick thrones grew around the castle.
A hundred years went by.

The Sleeping Princess was just a story. One day, a prince came by to find the sleeping princess.The prince cut down the thick forest. He went into the castle.
He found the sleeping princess. She was so beautiful that he fell in love with her.

The prince kissed the princess.It was a magic kiss. The princesses wake up.
She saw the prince. He was very handsome. She fell in love with the prince.
When the princess woke up, everyone in the kingdom woke up.
The king and queen were very happy when they saw the handsome prince.
The prince and princess married and lived happily ever after.

Once upon a time there was a king and a queen. The queen had wanted a child for a very long time but couldn’t have one. One day the miracle finally happened and all the bells in the kingdom started ringing to announce the birth of a young princess.
The king and the queen organized a huge celebration for the little girl’s christening. All the seven fairy godmothers arrived to the royal party to give the little angel their gifts. As they were special guests, the royal family had prepared a gift for each of them. Laid on the table in front of each of the godmothers was a gold case, containing a knife, fork and spoon - all made of pure gold and set with rubies and diamonds.
As the guests were enjoying the celebration, the door opened with a crash. It was an old, hump-backed fairy, wearing black rags. The king immediately ordered to bring her gold tableware, but he couldn’t give her a gold case, because he had only had seven of them made.
The old woman thought that they didn’t respect her enough and hissed some curse towards the newborn. Luckily, sitting next to her was a young and a very farsighted fairy, who noticed how fiercely the old woman was looking towards the baby. When the fairies left the table, she hurried to hide herself behind the curtains. Soon the fairies gathered around the baby and one after another started giving their gifts in the form of a spell. The youngest of them wished for the princess to grow beautiful, the next one wished for the princess to have a kind and generous soul, the third wished for the princess to do everything with grace.
The fourth wished for the girl to dance as light as a feather, the fifth one wished, “May she sing like a bird” and the sixth said, “May she play all musical instruments beautifully!”. Next it was the old fairy’s turn and she bent over the child “May you have your hand pierced with a spindle and die of the wound!” When she said her terrible spell, she grinned showing her ugly yellow teeth.
At that moment the wise fairy godmother, who had been hiding behind the curtains, came out and said, “Calm down everyone! The princess won’t die, but she will fall in a deep and long sleep, which will last for a hundred years, and when that period ends, a young prince will come and wake her up.” When she saw that she was tricked, the old woman ran away crying because she couldn’t do any more harm. To avoid her daughter piercing her finger, the king went out and ordered that all women who owned or used a spindle to be killed.
Fifteen or sixteen years passed and nothing happened. But one day the young princess was wandering around the castle and noticed something very curious while climbing up the tower. In a small room there was an old lady, spinning her spindle. “What are you doing madam?” the princess asked and the old woman replied, “I am spinning, your highness.” The princess found the activity really interesting and decided to try it. But as soon as she took the spindle, the end pierced the princess’s finger and she fainted on the floor.
2 lady cried for help. In a moment help came and they tried to revive her. Someone sprinkled her face with water, another loosened her clothes, a third massaged her arms, but despite all this the princess lay still. The king arrived and at the sight of his daughter, he remembered the old fairy godmother’s spell. The time had come and the king ordered the princess to be laid on a bed embroidered with gold and silver. As she slept, her beauty remained vivid and she looked like an angel.
The farsighted fairy godmother that had saved the girl’s life was told what had happened. She rushed to reach the kingdom as fast as possible, because she was twelve thousand miles away. When she arrived the king helped her out of her magic coach. When the fairy godmother saw what had been done by the time she arrived, she was impressed. However, the thought of the princess waking up a hundred years later, surrounded by people she didn’t know terrified the fairy, and so she put everyone in the kingdom into a deep sleep.
Nannies, servants, noblemen, butlers, soldiers and even the princess’s small puppy went to sleep. Then the king and the queen wiped their tears away, kissed their child and gave the orders that no one should approach the castle. In less than fifteen minutes thick and dark woods and bushes grew before the eyes of the king and the queen. No one could see the castle and even if they saw it no one would have the courage to enter. The years passed and the king and the queen passed away.
The kingdom was still and not a single sound could be heard from its halls and chambers. The princess was still sleeping. One day, a hundred years later, a young prince was passing by the enchanted wood when he suddenly saw something he had never seen before - through the trees he could see the towers.
He asked a passer-by what they were. “I am not sure, my lord, but I remember that my father once told me a story about the most beautiful princess in the world, who was cursed to fall into a deep sleep for a hundred years. One prince has been chosen to be the only one who can wake her up.” At the news the brave prince went into the woods and fought for a long time with branches and roots. As soon as he got past one tree, the woods would close up behind him. He found this scary but spurred himself on with the thought that he might be the chosen prince from the story.
The prince finally reached the castle. He was shocked to see people sleeping everywhere! Judging by their clothes, they had been there for a century! He didn’t give up and started searching the rooms one after another until he finally found her. A fifteen or sixteen-year old princess was lying in a bed. The prince went to the bed and kissed the princess.
She opened her beautiful eyes and smiled at him. “I have been waiting for you to come,” she said, “What took you so long?” Everyone else in the kingdom woke up at the same time. They all went back to work. The prince and the princess organised a lavish wedding and invited the whole kingdom to it. There was food and drinks for everyone. The brave prince married the beautiful princess and they both lived happily ever after.
2. Did the royal family prepare anything for their special guests? ……………............. ………………………………………………
3. What did the fairy godmothers give the newborn as a gift? ………...................... ………………………………………………
4. Why did the old woman got so angry ? ………………………………………………
5. Who changed the evil spell of the old woman? ……….................................... ………………………………………………
6. How many years would she sleep if a spindle pierced her hand? …………........ ………………………………………………
7. Did the girl’s father and mother fell into a deep sleep as well? …………................ ………………………………………………
8. Did the prince know the story of the girl before he noticed the castle? …………... ………………………………………………
9. What did the prince do to wake the princess up? …………………..................
1. She wanted a child for a very long time.
2. Yes, they did.
3. They gave their gifts in the form of spells.
4. Because she thought that they didn’t respect her enough.
5. The wise fairy changed the evil spell of the old woman.
6. She would sleep for a hundred years if a spindle pierced her hand.
7. No, they didn’t.
8. No, he didn’t.
9. He kissed the princess to wake her up.
Sleeping beauty / Briar Rose - Level 3
A king and queen once upon a time reigned in a country a great way off, where there were in those days fairies. Now, this king and queen had plenty of money, and plenty of fine clothes to wear, and plenty of good things to eat and drink, and a coach to ride out in every day. But, though they had been married many years they had no children, and this grieved them very much indeed.
But one day as the queen was walking by the side of the river, at the bottom of the garden, she saw a poor little fish that had thrown itself out of the water and lay gasping and nearly dead on the bank. Then the queen took pity on the little fish, and threw it back again into the river and before it swam away it lifted its head out of the water and said, ‘I know what your wish is, and it shall be fulfilled. In return for your kindness to me, you will soon have a daughter.’
What the little fish had foretold soon came to pass and the queen had a little girl so very beautiful that the king could not cease looking on it for joy and said he would hold a great feast and make merry, and show the child to all the land. So he asked his kinsmen, and nobles, and friends, and neighbors. But the queen said, ‘I will have the fairies also, that they might be kind and good to our little daughter.’
Now, there were thirteen fairies in the kingdom, but as the king and queen had only twelve golden dishes for them to eat out of, they were forced to leave one of the fairies without asking her. So twelve fairies came, each with a high red cap on her head, and red shoes with high heels on her feet, and a long white wand in her hand. And after the feast was over they gathered round in a ring and gave all their best gifts to the little princess. One gave her goodness, another beauty, another riches, and so on till she had all that was good in the world.
Just as eleven of them had done blessing her, a great noise was heard in the courtyard, and word was brought that the thirteenth fairy was come, with a black cap on her head, and black shoes on her feet, and a broomstick in her hand. And presently up she came into the dining hall. Now, as she had not been asked to the feast she was very angry and scolded the king and queen very much and set to work to take her revenge.
So she cried out, ‘The king’s daughter shall, in her fifteenth year, be wounded by a spindle, and fall down dead.’ Then the twelfth of the friendly fairies, who had not yet given her gift, came forward and said that the evil wish must be fulfilled, but that she could soften its mischief. So, her gift was that the king’s daughter, when the spindle wounded her, should not really die, but should only fall asleep for a hundred years.
However, the king hoped still to save his dear child altogether from the threatened evil so he ordered that all the spindles in the kingdom should be bought up and burnt. But all the gifts of the first eleven fairies were in the meantime fulfilled, for the princess was so beautiful, and well behaved, and good, and wise, that everyone who knew her loved her.
It happened that, on the very day she was fifteen years old, the king and queen were not at home, and she was left alone in the palace. So she roved about by herself, and looked at all the rooms and chambers, till at last, she came to an old tower to which there was a narrow staircase ending with a little door. In the door, there was a golden key, and when she turned it the door sprang open, and there sat an old lady spinning away very busily. ‘Why, how now, good mother,’ said the princess, ‘what are you doing there?’ ‘Spinning,’ said the old lady, and nodded her head, humming a tune, while buzz! went the wheel.
‘How prettily that little thing turns round!’ said the princess, and took the spindle and began to try and spin. But scarcely had she touched it, before the fairy’s prophecy was fulfilled, the spindle wounded her, and she fell down lifeless on the ground.
However, she was not dead, but had only fallen into a deep sleep. And the king and the queen, who had just come home, and all their court, fell asleep too. And the horses slept in the stables, and the dogs in the court, the pigeons on the house-top, and the very flies slept upon the walls. Even the fire on the hearth left off blazing, and went to sleep.
The jack stopped, and the spit that was turning about with a goose upon it for the king’s dinner stood still and the cook, who was at that moment pulling the kitchen-boy by the hair to give him a box on the ear for something he had done amiss let him go and both fell asleep. The butler, who was slyly tasting the ale, fell asleep with the jug at his lips and thus everything stood still and slept soundly.
A large hedge of thorns soon grew round the palace, and every year it became higher and thicker till at last the old palace was surrounded and hidden so that not even the roof or the chimneys could be seen. But there went a report through all the land of the beautiful sleeping Briar Rose (for so the king’s daughter was called) so that, from time to time, several kings’ sons came, and tried to break through the thicket into the palace. This, however, none of them could ever do, for the thorns and bushes laid hold of them, as it were with hands, and there they stuck fast and died wretchedly.
After many, many years there came a king’s son into that land and an old man told him the story of the thicket of thorns and how a beautiful palace stood behind it and how a wonderful princess, called Briar Rose, lay in it asleep, with all her court. He told, too, how he had heard from his grandfather that many, many princes had come, and had tried to break through the thicket, but that they had all stuck fast in it, and died.
Then the young prince said, ‘All this shall not frighten me. I will go and see this Briar Rose.’ The old man tried to hinder him, but he was bent upon going.
Now that very day the hundred years were ended and as the prince came to the thicket he saw nothing but beautiful flowering shrubs through which he went with ease, and they shut in after him as thick as ever. Then he came at last to the palace, and there in the court lay the dogs asleep and the horses were standing in the stables and on the roof sat the pigeons fast asleep, with their heads under their wings.
And when he came into the palace, the flies were sleeping on the walls, the spit was standing still, the butler had the jug of ale at his lips, going to drink a draught, the maid sat with a fowl in her lap ready to be plucked; and the cook in the kitchen was still holding up her hand as if she was going to beat the boy.
Then he went on still farther, and all was so still that he could hear every breath he drew, till at last he came to the old tower and opened the door of the little room in which Briar Rose was and there she lay, fast asleep on a couch by the window. She looked so beautiful that he could not take his eyes off her, so he stooped down and gave her a kiss.
But the moment he kissed her she opened her eyes and awoke and smiled upon him. And they went out together, and soon the king and queen also awoke, and all the court, and gazed on each other with great wonder. And the horses shook themselves, and the dogs jumped up and barked. The pigeons took their heads from under their wings, and looked about and flew into the fields. The flies on the walls buzzed again. The fire in the kitchen blazed up. Round went the jack, and round went the spit with the goose for the king’s dinner upon it. The butler finished his draught of ale. The maid went on plucking the fowl, and the cook gave the boy the box on his ear.
And then the prince and Briar Rose were married, and the wedding feast was given, and they lived happily together all their lives long.
Movie In English With Subtitles
Šípková Růženka
Před dávnými časy žili král s královnou a moc si přáli děťátko. Vytoužené dítě však nepřicházelo. Jednoho dne královna v lázni odpočívala, a kde se vzala, tu se vzala, z vody vylezla žába a zaskřehotala královně: „Tvoje přání se splní. Než se rok s rokem sejde, narodí se ti dcerka.“ Než královna stihla něco říct, byla žába pryč.
Slova žáby se splnila. Královně se narodila krásná dcerka. Dostala jméno Šípková Růženka. Král měl takovou radost, že na její počest vystrojil velkou hostinu. Na oslavu pozval všechny své známé a nezapomněl ani na moudré sudičky, aby byly dcerce příznivě nakloněny.
V celém jeho kraji jich bylo třináct. Král měl však jen dvanáct talířů, proto třináctou sudičku na hostinu nepozval. Ke konci oslavy podarovaly moudré sudičky dítě svými vzácnými dary. Jedna ji obdařila ctností, druhá krásou, třetí bohatstvím a postupně dostala princezna vše, co si jen člověk může přát. Dvanáctá sudička přišla na řadu, ale než vyslovila svůj dar, do sálu vstoupila třináctá sudička.
Byla ale velmi rozlobená, že ji nikdo na slávu nepozval a chtěla se pomstít, třeba by to bylo na královské dceři. Pohlédla na ni a hlasitě zvolala: „Až ti bude patnáct let, píchneš se o vřeteno a navěky usneš!“
Obrátila se zády a odešla ze sálu pryč. Všichni leknutím ustrnuli.
Přistoupila ještě dvanáctá sudička, která nestihla vyslovit své přání. Zlou kletbu zrušit nemohla, jen ji zmírnila: „Nebude to navěky, jen upadneš na sto let do hlubokého spánku.“
Král chtěl svou dceru za každou cenu ochránit, tak nechal okamžitě všechna vřetena v celé říši spálit. Ostatní věštby se postupem času vyplnily. Dcerka byla krásná, moudrá, vlídná, rozumná, byla miláčkem všech. Oblíbil si ji snad každý.
Nastal den jejich patnáctých narozenin. Král s královnou na okamžik odjeli ze zámku. Princezna toho využila, procházela se po celém zámku a nahlížela do všech komnat. Dostala se až do staré věže. Vystoupila po úzkých točitých schodech a došla k malým dvířkám.
V zámku byl klíč, kterým otočila a dveře se rozlétly. V komoře seděla nějaká stařena s vřeténkem a pilně předla len. Princezna ji hezky pozdravila a zvídavě se ptala, copak dělá.
„Předu si, předu.“ odpověděla stařena a kývla hlavou.
Dívku zaujalo poskakující vřeténko. Chytla ho do ruky a v tu chvíli se naplnila zlá věštba třinácté sudičky, princezna se píchla do prstu. Klesla na lůžko a upadla do hlubokého spánku a s ní i celé království. Spali naprosto všichni, i koně ve stáji a holubi na střeše. I vítr se utišil a na stromech před zámkem se nepohnul ani lísteček. Kolem celého zámku se začaly rozrůstat šípkové keře, které časem houstly a mohutněly, až nakonec obrostly celý zámek. Nakonec nebyl pod šípkovými keři ani vidět.
V blízkém okolí se vyprávělo o krásné spící Šípkové Růžence. Žádný princ nepronikl mohutným křovím. Trny držely pevně, jako by měly ruce. Princové na nich zůstávali viset, nemohli tam ani zpět. Žalostně na nich umírali.
Po mnoha letech do království zavítal neznámý princ. Uslyšel, jak nějaký stařec vypráví o království, které je zakryto šípkovými růžemi. V tom zámku už sto let spí překrásná princezna, které říkali Šípková Růženka a s ní spí i celé království. I dědeček už princi vyprávěl, kolik jiných princů ji přišlo vysvobodit a skončilo v trnech obrovských šípkových keřů. Mládenec se ničeho nebál a rozhodl se, že princeznu a celé království vysvobodí. Stařík ho od činu zrazoval, ale on na jeho slova nedal.
V té době uplynulo sto let a nadešel den, kdy měla Šípková Růženka znovu procitnout. Když se princ blížil k šípkovým keřům, růže se samy rozestoupily a nechaly prince projít.
Jakmile vešel, znovu se zavřely. V zámeckém dvoře viděl ležet spící koně a psy, holuby sedící na střeše. Postupně procházel celým zámkem. V kuchyni viděl kuchaře a kuchtíka stát, v sále uviděl celou královskou radu a na trůnu ležel i král s královnou. Princ došel až k věži, otevřel dveře a spatřil spící Šípkovou Růženku. Ležala tam a byla tak krásná. Nemohl z ní spustit oči. Sklonil se nad ní a políbil ji. Jak se jí dotkl rty, zlomil kletbu a Šípková Růženka otevřela oči. Probudila se a vlídně na něho pohlédla.
Chytili se za ruce a vešli do sálu, kde se zatím probouzeli král s královnou a všichni dvořané. Celý zámek se probudil z dlouhého a hlubokého spánku. Koně na dvoře vstali, otřásali se a holubi na střeše vytáhli hlavičky zpod křídel. Kuchař s kuchtíkem začali zase péct. Na zámku se samou radostí začalo slavit. Velká sláva se završila svatbou Šípkové Růženky s princem, kteří spolu žijí spokojeně až do dnes.